A glance at Enterprise Management

Enterprise management refers to how a company’s operations, processes, information and IT capabilities, system and service products, resources, and activities are managed and regulated.

Enterprise management is a term used for modern examples of ERP that allow businesses to manage vital day-to-day processes such as inventory management, accounting, human resources and customer relationship management (CRM).

Enterprise management supports how different business units work by sharing information through a shared database.

Enterprise Management Capability

The enterprise management capability is the enterprise capability system that manages the enterprise’s governance, organisation, implementation, assurance, and enforcement, as well as the enterprise’s sector, operation, information, and information technology capabilities, as well as the enterprise’s system and service offerings.

The enterprise management capability’s goal is to facilitate and ensure the enterprise’s ability to manage its governance, organisation, integration, assurance, enforcement, and management of its market, operation, information, and IT capabilities, as well as its system and service offerings.

Enterprise management is the enterprise capability management of the enterprise management capability.

The goal of enterprise management is to ensure that the management and resources of the company’s enterprise management capabilities are managed, balanced, and aligned with the company’s mission and needs as a whole.


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