Scammer Go Away talk with Datuk Nadzim Johan@Toqqi

Scammer Go Away talk with Datuk Nadzim Johan@Toqqi

The “Scammer Go Away!” talk featuring Dato’ Nadzim Johan (also known as Toqqi), the Chief Activist of the Malaysian Muslim Consumers Association (PPIM), addressed the alarming rise in online scams and fraud. Dato’ Nadzim provided insight into the deceptive tactics used by scammers and shared valuable tips for identifying and avoiding these threats. His key message was the need for heightened public awareness and vigilance, encouraging people to report suspicious activities and stay informed about evolving scam techniques.

SMART College, recognized as Malaysia’s first law enforcement and investigation college since 2012, proudly hosted this enlightening session, underscoring its commitment to educating individuals on crucial topics related to crime prevention and public safety. The event aimed to equip attendees with the knowledge to protect themselves from online fraud.

Beauty and the Beast: Theatre Review

On the 23rd of December 2019, the students of English Communication (LAN 1103) has successfully executed their first ever theatre play here in Smart College. The play titled Beauty and the Beast, based on the classic Disney’s movie was successfully conducted with impressive flow and professionalism. The flow of everything prior the play was smooth […]