Pre-College Program: What is it and the benefits

One of the most important decision school leavers have to decide once graduating secondary school is to decide on furthering their tertiary studies. On what are their interest, which course they are inclined to, which institution to go to and the list goes on. Not having a clear plan and path can be frustrating. Thus that is why nowadays a lot of tertiary education institutions are offering pre-college programs for school leavers.

What is pre-college program? It is a program that offers school leavers to experience college life before actually enrolling. Especially for school leavers with free time gap between new intake, who wishes to not just waste their free time but use it towards their own benefits in preparing them for their higher education.

Pre-College Program: What is it and the benefits

Pre-college programs can benefit school leavers in many ways and aspects. As aforementioned, this program can be a medium for the students to explore their academic interest, especially in deciding what course and majors they are more inclined to.

Not only that they will have the chance to try out the institution they desired, to test out how the lifestyle is, the facilities, lecturers and management, by joining pre-college programs they can also enhance their college resume and applications with the certificates as well as the experience that comes with it.

It can be a good preparation step on their side, as well as trying out the campus lifestyle. This can ease their transition from secondary education to tertiary education lifestyle as it can be challenging. Not to mention the memorable memories they will be making as well as new friends and colleagues that will come along the journey.

It is an interesting and extremely beneficial bridge every school leaver should cross in order to reach from secondary education life to tertiary education life. Check out the video below to see the experiences and thoughts of people on pre-college programs.


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